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Tuesday 8 May 2012

ICT BLOGS - Part 3 - Evaluation and Final Piece

To evaluate, this is my final piece. It is a cover of Mumford and Sons' 'White Blank Page' The setting I tried to accomplish was an artistic one. The sunshine, subtle swaying of the trees and the gentle blues of the sea and sky give a mellow and calm feel which would hopefully come across even if the video was played without sound.

Originally my plan was to create a sketchbook with the theme of home or childhood memories as I could relate to them quite easily. Then it occured to me that those topics may seem a bit cliche.
Therefore finding another topic for my sense of place was a difficult one. Though once I had the idea for ‘expression through music and art’ the rest seemed to click into place.
I really enjoyed this project as it allowed me to explore the things that mean a lot to me, also i have gained very useful and transferable knowledge that I can use in the future. My favorite part of the project was making the video. In my opinion, Susie Pughs' and Mandy Peace's support in assisting this project was fantastic.   
ICT was very useful in my project as it enabled me to record, edit and produce my final piece very easily. If I would do this project again, I would definitely give myself more time. Also, I would explore more into my scrapbook with the art part of my assignment.

ICT BLOGS - Part 2 - Idea's and Intentions

Using I brainstormed out what my sense of place was. From that I planned out a few pages in my scrapbook. Initially I had 2 main headings – Performance, Inspiration. What inspires, gives a sense of place in my opinion. Here is my

ICT BLOGS - Part 1 - Subject Matter

When this assignment was given to me I thought long and hard about what my sense of place was as it's difficult concept to grasp. Then it occurred to me. Expression is a massive part of my life and its something that takes over no matter what the situation. My guitar is something I'd turn to for comfort. As I enjoy poetry and music I have a tendency to write music, which makes me feel warm. This is my sense of place. Art comes into it through artists I have come across in the past such as Wassily Kandinsky who paints using shapes whilst listening to music. Therefore showing emotion and a feel for the music through every brush stroke. Also Jackson Polluck who takes a style known as 'Splash Painting' which is very expressive.


My biggest inspirations for this topic are the mighty ‘Mumford & Sons’ and ‘Jack Johnson’. I have included these in the inspirations section of my scrapbook.

Performing in front of people is a big part of my sense of place, as it allows me to connect with people and share my feelings and emotions through the magic of lyric and song. I asked a friend of mine (who is a photographer) to take several photo’s of me playing one of my acoustic sets. This is included in the performance section of my blog. The pictures show me playing at the Uplands Tavern. Hopefully they indicate the emotion even though the music is not present.

One of the biggest inspirations which led me to play the guitar was the film ‘Walk the Line’ I have included the film cover within my scrapbook.

Music can change and talk to you. Generally the music you listen to differes upon what mood your in. I have included several bands which really have had an impact on me melodically abd lyrically in the past. These are preferably Mumford & Sons and Coldplay. Using I created a treble clef symbol using the song names of Mumford and Sons.