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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Entry 2 - Sharks! SHARKS!

8:54am -Alarm rings- Struggle out of bed ,quick brush of the teeth, mirror check and run!

9:00am -
Heavy night. Back to bed. Please?

Our task today was to get into groups. This consisted of Stacie, Sian and I. We had to search for a website that would help us to gain or show knowledge and understanding of a particular topic. Then deliver it to the rest of the class. Which is fun at 9am in the morning right? No. Our chosen topic was dancing.

After a feeble attempt at delivering my amazing knowledge of dancing to the class, we had to do a group evaluation of each group's website.

The presentation which I found the most reliable and valid was the Sharks presentation led by the miraculous Carl.

Evaluation of Presentation

Good Points

- Brief but sound introduction
- Information well delivered persistently
- Well justified
- Confident throughout
- Consistantly a sense of inclusion
- Eye contact , hence good body language
- Unusual topic


- Perhaps a wider range of multimedia

After thought - I feel that the evaluation of several presentations has taught me the essentials of delivering an authentic presentation. My communication skills were definitely improved here.

Now, I sleep.

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