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Monday 9 April 2012

Entry 10 - What is Education? ESTYN.

Dr. Russell Grigg is the head of the South West Wales Centre of Teacher Education. Grigg (2012) came in to talk about Estyn and his involvement working with Estyn. Estyn inspects quality and standards in education and training providers within Wales. 

Estyn (2010) covers;
·         Primary schools
·         Secondary schools
·         Special schools
·         Local authority education services for children and young people
·         Teacher education and training
·         Work-based learning
·         Careers companies
·         Offender learning
Estyn (2010) are funded by, the National Assembly for Wales under Section 104 of the Government of Wales Act 1998.
There are two different types of report. Annual and Thematic. According to an article from Estyn  (2010) ;
Thematic Reports - Each year, the Education Minister asks the Chief Inspector for advice on a range of themes in relation to education and training to help inform policy development and to monitor progress.
Annual Reports - Annual Reports provide an overview of standards and performance of schools, and other education and training providers in Wales.
Regular inspections in schools makes sure that children are being taught the right way, and will ensure they are working to the best of their ability.
A recent report
A recent report from Estyn, Education (2011)  suggests that the quality of education  in Wales has improved  slowly since 2004.  On the other hand, in over 30 per cent of schools “standards were not as good as they should be”.  Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales ‘Anne Keane’, said it was a “good time to take stock”.  The report focuses heavily on training in Wales also the provision of Education. Also it states areas of where provision can be established and improved.

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