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Monday 9 April 2012

Entry 9 - What is Education? - PISA

Ken Jones (2012) came in today to discuss;

- PISA(Programme for International Students),
- SEF (School Effectiveness Framework) and,
- PLC (Professional Learning Communities). 


Firstly, PISA is an international study which went underway sometime in 2000. PISA was introduced to evaluate the effectiveness of the education sectors in the countries around the world (that took part. This would give lower ranked countries and aim and incentive to improve. Then these countries are ranked against each other. He talked about the scores from 2006 and 2010 and mentioned a few things that need to be improved on to make the education in UK better. Wales is ranked surprisingly low. Layton Andrews aims to higher the rank of Wales in the future.
SEF provide education systems that are first class which allows children to reach their full potential.
PLC is capable of promoting and sustaining the learning of all professionals in the school community, they aim to improve learning.

Jones (2012) talked about the Welsh educational system as a whole; and briefly about about the mister for education, Layton Andrews.(Layton Andrews aims to higher the rank of 9Wales regarding PISA in the future) the differences between England and Wales; such as the language barriers that can be faced in Wales.

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